Can you imagine if Diplomat personality (INFJ) like Mother Teresa swap with Analyst personality (INTJ) like Elon Musk, how would the organization be?
Have you ever wondered what business companies would be like if everyone had the same personality? Would the trading company want all extroverts? Would the research company work well with all introverts?
One of the best ways to get companies to progress well is to get the right people to the right position. This is where MBTI comes in. Probably you came across this word, when you stepped into adulthood.
MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs indicator. It is commonly used to help us to understand our communication preference and how we interact with others. It is highly recommended for us to take the best before we get into any other job.
There are 4 dimensions of MBTI, each with two opposing preferences.
Extraversion vs Introversion
This is not about your sociability or your confidence level when talking to others. This is on how and where do you get energy from. How do you behave in meetings? What is your preferred working environment?
Extroverts tend to express themselves, act before thinking, and interact with others.
Introverts stay quiet, think through, reflect before speaking, and gain energy from concentration.
Sensing vs Intuition
It has nothing to do with being ‘sensitive’ and ‘gut feeling’. This is related to how you see and gather info.
You are sensing if you adopt clear, accurate, practical and factual approach.
You are intuition if you find purpose, seeking new wild ideas and use conceptual framework.
Thinking vs Feeling
It does not mean that if someone has a thinking preference, they have no feeling! Or vice versa. This is just about preference, how people favor on making decisions.
Thinking – is when you apply logical reasoning, finding truth, and focus on completing tasks.
Feeling – is when you apply values, understand feelings, and focus on maintaining relationships.
Judging vs Perceiving
Judging is not about being biased; perceiving is not about focusing on what we want. This is on how you deal with situations and conflicts.
Judging personality has the tendency to come to closure, within a structure and controlled plans
Perceiving personality has the tendency to keep options available, staying agile and to go with the flow.
Be Yourself
Remember MBTI is not about determining your value to others. It aims to let you have a greater understanding of yourself, and to increase agility and effectiveness during communication.
It is always important to be yourself.
You change the world by being yourself.